Case Studies
Click below to download case studies and see the real world applications of magnetic flooring and how they can save time, money, and headaches in various challenging environments.
Magnetic Rubber
See how our Magnetic Rubber was used to isolate asbestos adhesives
Isolate Asbestos
Save time and money by isolating asbestos with magnetic flooring
Mail Room Asbestos Isolation
See how our customer updated their busy mailroom in hours
Lunch Room Quick Turn Around
Can’t shutdown to replace the floor? See how we did it in hours
Magnetic Tabs
Bring your own flooring with our Freedom Force magnetic tab system
High Traffic, High RH
No problem with magnetix! Easy replacement, and high RH tolerance
Graphic Advertising
Turn floors and walls into a profit center with Advertising Tiles
Decorate Walls
Magnetic Vertical Components can help you decorate and redecorate with ease
VAT in Schools
Save budget money by isolating VAT and update your educational space
Walgreens and High RH
See why Walgreen’s opted to utilize the magnetic solution for high RH
3M and the Future
3M utilized magnetic flooring to showcase their Innovation Centre Store of the Future
Open 24 Hours
ASDA is open 24 hours and needed a solution for quick turn around
Time is Money
Boots needed a solution for a high RH floor, magnetic went on high RH with no downtime
Time is Money, Again
Sainsbury’s needed to replace flooring as fast as possible and stay open.. magnetic worked!
Walgreens Followup
Magnetic was a viable option, so Walgreens did a test store. See how it went